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online calculators listed below:
saturated vapour pressure
relative humidity of air
density of water
density of (humid) air
diffusion coefficient of water vapour in air
viscosity of air

Temperatures on this page are on the Celcius scale. If you are more familiar with Fahrenheits, you may want to see what a value in Celcius would be in Fahrenheit: use our F/C Converter.

saturated vapour pressure (SVP)       [top]
Saturated water vapour pressure in air; empirical relation:
some spaceequation#2 of svp_water
Temperature T in Celcius [ = {Kelvin} - 273.15]); validity range roughly 0-80oC.
[Source: Monteith and Unsworth, 1990; some parameters slightly adjusted ]

saturated vapour pressure
Temperature [oC]:
Sat. vapour pressure [Pa]:

relative humidity of air       [top]
Relative humidity is the ratio of partial vapour pressure and saturated vapour pressure at ambient temperature:
some spaceequ: relative humidity
If humidity is to be determined by dry- and wet-bulb temperatures (Td and Tw, respectively; Celcius scale), partial vapour pressure is calculated by (at ambient pressure 1 atm):
some spaceequ: partial vapour pressure
where psat,w is saturated vapour pressure at the wet-bulb temperature. Finally, saturated vapour pressure at dry-bulb temperature (i.e. normal ambient temperature) must be calculated, and the pressure ratio gives relative humidity.
[Source: calculator for saturated vapour pressure (see above) and relation between bulb temperatures and vapour pressures (List, 1958)]
relative humidity
Dry-bulb temperature [oC]:
Wet-bulb temperature [oC]:
Relative humidity [%]:

density of water       [top]
Empirical relation for T=0-30oC, error <0.1 kg/m3:
some spaceequ: density of water
For a wider temperature range (T=0-50oC, error <0.1 kg/m3) use instead:
some spaceequ: density of water
Density rhow in [kg/m3].
(Note: at 3.98oC water has its highest density).
[Source: polynomial fit on values from Weast, 1986; page F-10]
density of water (0-50oC)
Temperature [oC]:
Density of water [kg/m3]:

density of (humid) air       [top]
Empirical relation:
some spaceequ: density of air
Temperature T in Kelvin [K]; barometric pressure B in [Pa]; partial vapour pressure pv in [Pa]; rhoa: density [kg/m3]; validity range: 'environmental' values. (Note: 1 atm = 1.01325 x 105 Pa)
[Source: Weast, 1986; page F-8; modified for SI units]
density of air
Temperature [oC]:
Barometric pressure [Pa]:
Relative humidity [%]:
Density of air [kg/m3]:

diffusion coefficient of water vapour in air       [top]
Empirical relation:
some spaceequ: diffcoef of water vapour in air
T: temperature, Celcius [C]; Dv: diffusion coefficient [m2/s].
Error: <0.1x10-6 m2/s; validity range: 0-45oC.
[Source: linear fit on values given by Gates, 1980 (Appendix 3)]
diffusion coefficient of water vapour in air
Temperature [oC]:
Diffusion coefficient [10-6 m2/s]:

viscosity of air       [top]
Empirical relation:
some spaceequ: viscosity of air
T: temperature, Celcius [C]; viscosity in Pascal x seconds [Pa.s]>.
Error: <0.1x10-6 Pa.s; validity range: 0-54oC.
[Source: parabolic fit on values from Weast, 1986; page F-42]
viscosity of air
Temperature [oC]:
Viscosity [10-6 Pa.s]:

Holsoft (c) 2001